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War-Torn Children Exhibition Programme continues in Regional Cultural Centre

War-Torn Children Exhibition Programme continues in Regional Cultural Centre


The Regional Culture Centre will host a special event on Thursday night at 8pm with music, poetry and prose from local writers including North West Words in response to the War-Torn Children exhibition which was opened in the centre last week  and the book ‘Anne-An imagining of the life of Anne Frank’ by Marjorie Agosín.


This is one of a number of events that will be taking place as part of this exhibition programme which highlights the devastating impact of war on children, their families and communities.   


Speaking at the launch of the exhibition last Friday Cathaoirleach Cllr. Gerry McMonagle said “Donegal County Council is delighted to be associated with this exhibition and associated events which focus on the subject of war and in particular on the appalling impact of war on children both historically and in the present day.


“Donegal County Council is proud to host the exhibition of stunning textiles, photographs and posters which are testimonies to the horrors of war and the devastating effects on family life, children and communities.  We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to view such a momentous exhibition here.  The theme of this exhibition and associated events which will take place over the next month or so are timely and unfortunately very topical, given the situation in the world today with wars and conflicts ongoing in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Ukraine, South Sudan and many other locations across the globe; and the ongoing world-wide refugee crisis”.  


The Conflict Textiles exhibition of arpilleras (textiles), photographs and posters, is also on display at the Regional Cultural Centre.  This exhibition was commissioned by the centre in collaboration with the Amnesty Letterkenny group and depicts arpilleras from War situations, past and present.


There is also an opportunity to take part in the Hands on Workshop where you can knit a small square and 15 of these squares will make up a baby blanket which will be sent to refugee camps in Greece. 


Other events include ‘Conversations on war and peace’ at 12.30pm on March 9 where Billy Banda and Grace Adeogun from the Donegal Intercultural Platform will lead a discussion with women from areas of conflict around the world followed by Breezy Willows baking Bread for Peace. 


The screening of ‘Armagh Stories: Voices from the Gaol’ by Cahal McLaughlin will take place on Thursday 15 March at 7pm followed by the launch of a new edition of Margaretta D’Arcy’s books ‘Tell them everything’ in which she recounts her time in Armagh Gaol in the 1980’s.


Finally on Thursday 22 March at 7.30pm a remembrance event in association with ‘Naming the Children’ project will take place including a screening of the film ‘Growing up with war: Children of Syria’ which depicts the tragedy of children who have never known peace. 


Everyone is welcome to attend these events and admission is free.

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